How To Increase Efficiency In The Pantry

Increasing efficiency in the pantry will ultimately allow you and your family to enjoy delicious, well balanced and nutritious meals in the span of a short period of time. The fact that you will not have to toil over the boiling pot for hours means that you will be able to enjoy the process as well. Here are some great ways in which you can increase efficiency in your pantry.

Label everything

One great way to make sure that you do not fumble around too much looking for what is where in the kitchens is to label pretty much everything from herbs to spices to leftovers. Labeling them will make sure that you can pick things up easily and will also in the same go be kept in the rightful place because you knows what goes where.

Keep it accessible

Are there spoons, knives and pots that you will need to use regularly? If so leave them on your granite tranformations on anti-slip mast if you can. This way you will not need to be pulling it out of cupboards on a daily basis. On the other hand, even for the utensils that you do not use always but will need frequently, make sure that they are not stacked away on the corner of the topmost shelf that needs you three ladders to get there.

Dress the part

You cannot and should not attempt to cook in pencil skirts, stiletto heels and the likes. Make sure that you wear practical and comfortable clothing along with nothing that has baggy long sleeves that can catch fire. Wear anti-slip footwear and if possible always opt for closed toe types so that you can keep your toes safe from the accidental oil fall or sharp utensil drop. It will also allow you to work around with a lot more speed and ease.

Gather things around

Before you start cooking go through the recipe and gather what you will need for it around so that you do not have to run around looking for things while you cook as well. This will save you a ton of time. Make sure that everything is to hand, then start chopping things up for multiple dishes even if you can and then finally cook. This way you can even cook two things at the same time. These are some basic and simple ways in which you can really reduce the amount of time and energy that you spend in the pantry allowing you to enjoy the process of cooking more.

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